You are your own worst enemyThere he is, back again, telling us how miserable we are and how we should not think about others and blah blah blah!!Apr 8, 20215Apr 8, 20215
Why growing up is so hard sometimes?“College was so much fun”, “School was so awesome”, “Childhood days were best”. C’mon, let’s just admit we all have thought of this some…Mar 23, 20211Mar 23, 20211
Leaving your parents’ house is not a bad ideaLet’s call it the first breakup. You spent 16–17 years with your parents, literally saw them every day, you both loved each other a lot…Dec 10, 20204Dec 10, 20204
We are worried about the wrong things“My manager doesn’t think I am good enough”, “I am probably letting my parent down”, “The girl I love doesn't love me”, “My friends don’t…Dec 1, 20207Dec 1, 20207
Difference between being happy and staying happy.“TGIF”(Thank god it’s Friday), “Weekend is finally here”, and what not? So many different ways to say it, but the emotion is the same. For…Nov 18, 2020581Nov 18, 2020581
Importance of having a reading habit.In December 2016, I decided to attend a coaching class for a week for an entrance interview. There was a class of general knowledge and I…Nov 11, 20202Nov 11, 20202
Answer to every “aren’t you scared?” question.Fear, Afraid, Scared, Second thoughts. We all are asked at some point in our life this question- “aren’t you scared?”, some might face it…Nov 3, 20209Nov 3, 20209
How to implement drag and drop lists in Angular 6 application?I was looking for an easy solution to implement drag and drop lists for the fibotalk app that I was working on to give more control to…Jun 27, 20201Jun 27, 20201